Customizing video stream options - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can customize video stream options, such as the default video stream for viewing live video in the canvas, the default archiving source for viewing playback video, and when to receive messages about video streams, from the Options dialog box.

What you should know

The Live stream and Playback source options apply to the local Security Desk workstation for all users. The Display a warning when stream selection is not automatic option is saved as part of your user profile.


  1. From the homepage, click Options > Video > Default options.
  2. From the Live stream list, select the default video stream for live video.
    Default stream used for viewing live video.
    Stream recorded by the Archiver for future investigation.
    Stream used for viewing live video when the bandwidth is limited.
    Low resolution
    Stream used instead of the Live stream when the tile used to view the stream in Security Desk is small.
    High resolution
    Stream used instead of the Live stream when the tile used to view the stream in Security Desk is large.
    Security Desk uses the Low resolution or High resolution stream, depending on the size of the tile and the zoom level.
  3. From the Playback source list, select the default archiving source to view playback video from.
    Any playback source
    Let the system decide which archiving source to use.
    Video that was recorded by the Archiver.
    Auxiliary Archiver
    Video that was recorded by the Auxiliary Archiver.
    Any Federated playback source
    Let the system decide which federated archiving source to use.
    Federated Archiver
    Video that was recorded by the federated Archiver.
    Federated Auxiliary Archiver
    Video that was recorded by the federated Auxiliary Archiver.
    Cloud Storage
    Video that was in the Cloud Storage performance tier.
    Edge playback
    Video that was recorded on an edge recording unit.
    NOTE: The selected Playback source is prioritized when available. If unavailable, the next available source is used.
  4. Click the User interaction tab.
  5. If you want to receive a warning message when the resolution of a displayed video image is too big for the tile, and the video stream selection is not Automatic, select the Display a warning when stream selection is not automatic option.
    The message that appears says you should change the video stream to Automatic.
  6. Click Save.