Differences between Monitoring and Maps tasks - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

To work with maps in Security Desk, you can use either the Maps task which is dedicated to working with maps, or the generic Monitoring task. In both tasks, the behavior of the maps are mostly the same, but there are differences with the workspace layout.

The Monitoring task is better suited when Security Desk is only controlling one monitor. The Maps task is better suited when Security Desk is controlling multiple monitors.
Map feature Monitoring task Maps task
When to use Only one monitor is controlled by your Security Desk workstation, and you need to see map and video side by side at all times. Multiple monitors are controlled by your Security Desk workstation.
Map display area Maps are displayed in tiles. One map covers the entire workspace.
Multiple map display Each tile can display a different map. Displays one map at a time.
Span the map across all monitors Not supported. In the Maps toolbar, click Settings > Span map across all monitors.
Double-click an entity on the map Displays the entity in a free tile in the canvas. When all tiles are filled, replaces the oldest displayed entity. May replace the map itself if it happens to be the oldest entity. Displays the entity in a Monitoring task if one is already open. If not, opens one.
Switch to a different map Drag a different map (area) from the area view to the tile showing the current map. Click a different map in the task toolbar.
Find entities on maps Right-click an entity displayed in a tile and click Locate me. If the entity is displayed on more than one map, the map icons are displayed in a pop-up, and you must select which map to view the entity on. In the Maps toolbar, click Search and enter an entity name..
Switch to your default map Not supported. In the Maps toolbar, click Default map..
Switch to a favorite map Not supported. Click Select map in the task toolbar, and click a favorite.
Show alarm list Type F9 and click Alarms. Click Alarms in the task toolbar.
Show event list Type F9 and click Events. Click Past events in the task toolbar.
Show or hide controls Type F7 or click Hide controls. Type F7 or click Settings > Show controls in the task toolbar.