Editing hotlists and permit lists - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can edit a hotlist or permit list using the Hotlist and permit editor task.

Before you begin

The hotlist or permit list must be created in Config Tool, the Enable editor support option in the entity’s Properties tab must be selected, and the user or user groups editing the lists must be granted the required privileges. The changes you can make to a hotlist or permit list might be limited, depending on which privileges you have.

What you should know

Using the Hotlist and permit editor, you can add, edit, or delete items from existing lists that were created in Config Tool. When you edit a hotlist or permit list, the text file is updated and your patrol vehicles, or Sharp cameras receive the new information.
  • When you edit a hotlist in Config Tool, the linked source .txt file or .csv file is automatically updated. Likewise, if you edit the source file, the Config Tool hotlist is automatically updated.
  • To edit a hotlist, you must have the Add entries, Delete entries, and Modify entries privileges for hotlists and permit lists.
  • If a hotlist has more than 100000 records, an error message is displayed to inform that the hotlist is only partially loaded.
    An error message is displayed when the hotlist has more than 100000 rows.
A detailed explanation of the sections in the hotlist and permit task
A List of ALPR Managers.
B Summary pane displaying selected hotlists and permits.
C Name of the hotlist selected in the summary pane.
D Available hotlists and permits.
E Details pane displaying all entries of the hotlist selected in the summary pane.
F An entry in your hotlist. You can modify or delete entries in a hotlist or permit list.
G Search for a keyword across selected hotlists or permit lists. You can search for a specific date, plate state, plate number, and so on.
H Generate selected hotlists or permit lists.
I Add or delete the selected row from the list.
J Save or cancel your changes.
NOTE: To display hotlists through advanced search, you can click and apply the required filters. For more information, see Searching for entities using the search tool.


  1. From the homepage, open the Hotlist and permit editor task.
    The available hotlists and permit lists are displayed in the column on the left.
  2. Select required hotlists or permits and click Generate.
    In the main pane, the following information is displayed:
    • Summary pane: Lists selected hotlists along with the number of entries in each hotlist.
    • Details pane: Shows entries of the hotlist highlighted in summary pane.
    NOTE: The summary pane is displayed only if multiple hotlists are selected.
  3. (Optional) Under the Search selected lists section, enter the value you want to search for in the search box. You can search for any value, for example, a specific license plate in both stolen and wanted hotlist.
    NOTE: The search returns any matching strings in any of the hotlist columns. For example, if you search for December (12) in a numeric format, a license plate XYZ123 is also displayed in the results.
    The hotlist and permit task is updated as follows:
    • Summary pane: Lists selected hotlists along with the frequency of the search phrase in each hotlist.
    • Details pane: Shows all entries of the search phrase present in the hotlist highlighted in summary pane.
  4. From the Hotlist and permit editor task, you can:
    • Add () or remove () vehicle entries.
    • Edit vehicle entries within a hotlist by double clicking on the desired cell.
    • Right-click entries to copy, cut, and paste between hotlists.
      NOTE: You can only move entries within the same Hotlist and permit editor task. If you have two tasks open, you cannot paste between them.
  5. Click Save.


The source file of the hotlist or permit list is updated with the changes.


A hotlist of stolen vehicles is downloaded from the ministry of justice each night at midnight. Every morning, when the officers begin their shift, they load the latest hotlist into a Genetec Patrollerâ„¢. During the day, some vehicles on the list are found, and new vehicles are stolen. You can remove the vehicles that were found from the list, and add the newly stolen vehicles, so that all the patrol vehicles have the updated hotlist.