Exporting video in G64x format - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

To create stand-alone G64x video files that you can play without connecting to Security Center, you can export from any task in Security Desk that displays live or playback video.

Before you begin

What you should know

  • When you export a G64x video, the system can include additional file information, such as camera name, creation date, and camera coordinates, which can be useful for investigation. To view additional file information, right-click a file in the Vault and select Show properties.
    NOTE: The system only includes this additional file information if an administrator enables the feature in your user settings.
  • If you have video watermarking enabled, digital signatures and encryption in the video source are excluded from your exported file.


  1. From the Security Desk homepage, open any task that can display live or playback video such as the Monitoring task.
  2. Select the video to export and do one of the following:
    • After generating a report, select one or more items from the report pane, and click Export video ().
    • Open video in a tile, right-click the tile, and click Camera > Export video.
    • In the Camera widget, click Export video ().

      You can export video from the selected tile or from all tiles.

    NOTE: Privacy protection is not removed from video streams during export. To export protected streams without blurring or anonymization, users with the Remove privacy protection privilege must remove privacy protection from the required streams before they click Export video.
    The Export settings dialog box opens:
  3. Set the date, time, and duration of the selected video sequences:
    1. Click the date, time, or duration setting.
    2. Enter the date and time for the start and end of the sequence, or drag the time range markers () to the desired length of time.
      NOTE: You can set a maximum time range of 24 hours.
  4. (Optional) Click All sources and select the source to export from.
    This option is only available if the video is accessible from multiple sources, such as an Archiver and an Auxiliary Archiver.
  5. If required, update the name of the video file in the Filename field.
    By default, the file name includes the camera name, the date, and the duration of the video sequence.
  6. (Optional) To save the video file in a specific subfolder of the Vault, click Vault and create or select a subfolder.
  7. In the File format list, select G64x.
  8. In the Description field, enter a description for the exported video if necessary.
    The description is shown in the Audit trails and file properties in the Vault.
    NOTE: A description is mandatory for users without the Single user export privilege.

    For all other users, the field is only available if the G64x format is selected, and the Include additional properties on export/snapshot option is enabled in the user configuration.

  9. If you are exporting video from all tiles, do the following:
    1. Select a Playback mode.
      All at once
      Play back the sequences in the same tiles that they were displayed in when exported.
      Play back the video in-sequence within a single tile.
    2. To change the playback order of the video sequences, select a video sequence and use the and buttons.
  10. If required, click Show advanced settings and configure as needed:
    1. If you have a KiwiVision™ Privacy Protector™ license, select Add privacy protection to pixelate motion in the exported video. This privacy protection is always applied using default settings.
    2. Select Add password protection and enter a password to encrypt the video file. The password must be entered to open the exported video.
      NOTE: Password protected video files cannot be re-exported.
    3. Select Allow the exported video file to be re-exported to enable all or part of the exported video to be reexported in the same or a different format.
      Video files can be re-exported in Security Desk or the Genetec™ Video Player.
  11. Click Export.
    If you do not have the Single user export privilege, the Authorization window opens, and a second user with the Export video privilege must enter their credentials to authorize the export.
    The export progress is shown in the notification tray (). To view the current progress or troubleshoot exporting errors, click More or Show details to open the Export dialog box.

    If another export process is running, your export is queued and starts when the previous export has finished. When your export is complete, the video files are created in the export folder that you specified, and the files are available in the Vault.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.