Filtering a report with multiple license plates - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

To investigate multiple license plates simultaneously in a report, you can enter the list of license plates using a delimiter in the license plate filter.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are familiar with the different combinations involving full and partial license plate numbers. For more details, see About license plate filters

What you should know

You can use one of the following delimiters to enter multiple license plate numbers in the filter:
  • Semi-colon (;)
  • Comma (,)
  • Carriage Return Line Feed (\r\n)
Limitation: You might experience slow search speeds in the following conditions:
  • You use a combination of wildcards on every license plate number entered.
  • You have a huge volume of records to scan through for the selected time range. For example, you have selected a six month time period and the database has nearly half a million records that correspond to that time period.


  1. From the homepage, open the desired report task.
    If you want to generate a Hits report, open the Hits task.
    NOTE: For the complete list of reports that use license plate filter, see About license plate filters
  2. In the Filters tab, click the License plate filter.
  3. Enter the desired license plate numbers separated by one of the following delimiters:
    • Semi-colon (;)
    • Comma (,)
    • Carriage Return Line Feed (\r\n)
    NOTE: These delimiters can be mixed and matched as desired.
  4. Set up the following query filters for your report:
    Event timestamp
    Define the time range for the query. You can define the time range for a specific period or a relative period, such as the previous week or the previous month.
    ALPR units - Patrollers
    Restrict the search to Patroller units and fixed ALPR units.
    NOTE: Additionally, you can set up the other query filters.
  5. Click Generate report.


Following examples illustrate various ways to filter a report with multiple license plates:

1. Full license plate: In this example, a comma delimiter separates multiple complete license plate numbers.
2. Full plate with wildcard: In this example, the license plate numbers have wildcards and are separated with a carriage return line feed delimiter.
3. Partial plate: In this example, a semi colon delimiter separates multiple partial license plate numbers.