Filtering a report with search conditions - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Last updated

To investigate multiple advance search conditions in a report, you can create search conditions in the advance search condition filter.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are familiar with the different search combinations involving logical operations such as 'AND', 'OR' and 'XOR'. For more details, see About search conditions.


  1. From the homepage, open the desired report task.
    If you want to generate a Hits report, open the Hits task.
    NOTE: For the complete list of reports that use license plate filter, see About search conditions
  2. In the Filters tab, click the Search Conditions filter.
  3. Click Edit conditions.
  4. In pop up window, set the desired conditions in the following order:
    1. Select filter condition.
    2. Select comparison predicate. You can select from Equals to, Not equals to, Contains, Does not contain, In and Not in.
    3. Enter or select the value.
    4. Click .
    5. Select the desired logical operator.
    6. Repeat steps a to e for each search criteria that you want to add.
    NOTE: The order of the filter conditions affects the results displayed.
    If you want the report to display all reads generated by Suzuki passenger vehicle:
    • Select Vehicle type in the filter condition.
    • Set Comparison predicate to Equals to.
    • Select Passenger vehicle from the drop-down menu.
    • Click .
    • Select AND to be the logical operator.
    • Select Vehicle make in the filter condition.
    • Set Comparison predicate to Equals to.
    • Select Suzuki from the drop-down menu.
    Edit conditions pop-up window, highlighting the step example
  5. (Optional) Click Add group and select Logical operator to add a separate search condition.
    For more details about search condition groups, see About search conditions.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Set up the following query filters for your report:
    Event timestamp
    Define the time range for the query. You can define the time range for a specific period or a relative period, such as the previous week or the previous month.
    ALPR units - Patrollers
    Restrict the search to Patroller units and fixed ALPR units.
    NOTE: Additionally, you can set up the other query filters.
  8. Click Generate report.


If you want the reads report to display all reads generated by Suzuki passenger vehicles in multiple regions, you can use the Geographical location condition to dynamically draw multiple polygons to represent the regions. The following images illustrate how to configure the filters:
Edit conditions pop-up window, highlighting how to edit the geographical location condition
Edit conditions pop-up window, highlighting how to draw multiple regions