How ALPR events are viewed in Security Desk - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

ALPR events are license plate reads and hits that are generated by ALPR entities, such as Genetec Patroller™ installations and ALPR units. You can track ALPR events in real time, using the Monitoring task.

When an ALPR event occurs, you can view the event information in the event list, including the plate and context images, the GPS position of the Patroller vehicle or Sharp camera that recorded the event, the reason a hit was rejected, and so on. In fixed Sharp configurations with video (Omnicast), you can stream live video from the Sharp context camera, and other cameras located with the Sharp. You can also print hit events, and use them as proof of violation. You can choose to view ALPR events in the canvas in Tile mode (individual tiles) or Map mode (a road map).

The GPS position of recorded reads and hits is the GPS position of the Patroller or Sharp camera that recorded the event.

For events to be kept in the database and available for reporting, they must be offloaded from Patroller. You can monitor live events from the Monitoring task and receive live data in some reports without offloading from Patroller.