How video is displayed if the Directory role disconnects - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

The Security Center Directory role manages your entire system and without it you cannot log on to the system. If the Directory role is disconnected from the rest of the system, Security Desk starts to operate in a degraded mode.

If you were viewing a camera, you remain connected to that camera’s live video stream even after you are logged out of the system. You can also view playback video if the live video was cached to your local workstation. Cached video is indicated by the orange bar at the top of the timeline.
Video has not been cached Video has been cached
Security Desk continuously attempts to reconnect to the Directory. When reconnected, the operating mode reverts to normal. While Security Desk is offline, you can still control your PTZ cameras through the widgets displayed in the dasboard. The following figure shows what the degraded mode looks like after a Directory failure.
A Connection state icon shows that you are disconnected.
B Pop-up message indicates that the Security Desk is trying to reconnect.
C Use the tile widget to select which camera's PTZ you wish to control.
D On-tile PTZ control does not work. You must use the PTZ widget, with the following limitations:
  • You cannot explicitly lock the PTZ, nor can you see who currently holds the lock.
  • You cannot edit nor see the names of the PTZ presets and patterns.
  • Specific commands do not work.
  • Digital zoom is not available. If it is activated, you must deactivate it before you can use the PTZ zoom.
E The area view is unavailable.
F Previously displayed cameras remain connected.