Parking session states - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

A vehicle's parking session is divided into states, to show the progression of the owner's parking visit. If you need to monitor and investigate parking zones, or if you configure parking zones and rules, it is important to understand how a parking session progresses through these states.

When a vehicle parks in a parking zone, the states that a parking sessions moves through depends on whether there is a parking violation. The following diagram shows the possible states of a parking session:

Valid Violation Enforced Completed Convenience time Paid time Grace period Invalid Vehicle entry Vehicle exit

A parking session moves to the valid state because:
  • The vehicle's license plate is read at the parking zone entry.
    NOTE: Depending on how the parking rule is configured, the valid state can include convenience time , paid time , and a grace period .
A parking session moves to the violation state because:
  • The valid time expires. This can include a combination of the convenience time, paid time, and grace period that are configured for the parking rule.
A parking session moves to the enforced state because:
  • The violation can be automatically updated by Genetec Patroller™ or manually updated by the Security Desk operator.
A parking session moves to the completed state because:
  • The vehicle exits the parking zone. The parking session state is completed no matter what state it is in when the vehicle exits the parking zone.
  • The parking zone's inventory is updated.
  • The vehicle re-enters the parking zone. This can indicate that in the vehicle's previous parking session, the plate was not read at the parking zone exit.
  • The vehicle exceeded the maximum session time that is defined for the parking zone.