Patroller tracking timeline controls - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

Use the Patrol vehicle tracking task to replay the route taken by a patrol vehicle on a given date on a map.

Genetec Patroller™ tracking provides the following timeline controls in playback mode to help you navigate through the patrol vehicle route and locate ALPR events.

A Scroll buttons Move to another position in the timeline without moving the playback cursor.
B Playback timestamp Indicates the time and date of the Playback cursor location in the timeline.
C Playback cursor Indicates the current location in the Patroller route. To change the playback frame drag the cursor to the new position or click on the timeline.
D Rewind/Forward buttons During playback, the Rewind and Forward buttons appear to the left and right of the Play button. When you click Rewind or Forward, a speed control slider appears. Drag the slider to the right to fast forward (1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 100x) or to the left for rewind (-1x, -4x, 10x, -20x, -40x or -100x). When the desired speed is set, release the mouse button. To return to normal speed (1x), click the Play/Pause button.
NOTE: The map does not automatically center itself when playback is not running at normal speed.
E Play/Pause Switch between playing and pausing the route playback. You can also press the Spacebar.
F Event markers Light red vertical lines on the timeline ruler indicate read events. Dark red vertical lines on the timeline ruler indicate hit events. Clicking an event marker moves the view in the map to the location on the event.
G White areas White areas on the timeline ruler indicate a Patroller route sequence. Black areas indicate that no one is patrolling during that time. Purple areas indicate the future.
H Zoom controls Control the portion of playback sequence that appears in the timeline. Zoom in to the timeline to view the exact location of an ALPR event.
Go to specific time Open a browser window, and jump to a precise date and time in the recording.
Slow motion Play the Patroller route in slow motion. A speed control slider appears to the right of the Play/Pause button. Drag the double-arrow cursor along the slider to change the speed. Slow motion is available in the following speeds:1/8x, 1/4x, 1/3x, 1/2x and 1x. The default playback speed is 1/8x.
NOTE: Slow motion rewind is not supported.
Loop playback Automatically restart the route sequence when it reaches the end of the sequence during playback.