After generating a report, the results of your query are listed in the report pane. This section lists the columns available for the Incidents task.
- Title
- Title of the incident.
- Category
- Category of the incident.
- Description
Description of the event, activity,
entity, or incident.
IMPORTANT: To comply with State laws, if the Report generated option is used for an Activity trails report that contains ALPR data, the reason for the ALPR search is included in the Description field.
- References
- List of entities referenced by the incident.
- Incident time
- The timestamp of the referenced alarm or event. If no event is referenced, it corresponds to the incident creation time.
- Created by
- User who first reported the incident.
- Creation time
- Time the incident was reported.
- Modification time
- Time the incident was last modified.
- Modified by
- User who last modified the incident.
- Custom fields
- Predefined custom fields for the entity. The columns only appear if custom fields are defined for the entity and were made visible to you when they were created or last configured.