Report pane columns for the Parking sessions task - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

After generating a report, the results of your query are listed in the report pane. This section lists the columns available for the Parking sessions task.

Completed timestamp
When the vehicle’s parking session was completed. Typically, this occurs when the vehicle exited the parking zone.
Convenience time timestamp
When the session's convenience time began (free parking period before parking enforcement takes effect).
Convenience time duration
Duration of the vehicle’s convenience time (free parking period before parking enforcement or paid time takes effect).
Enforced duration
Duration of time that the vehicle was marked as enforced before the parking session was completed.
Enforced timestamp
Time that the parking violation was enforced by an operator.
Entry context image
The context image that was captured when the vehicle entered the parking zone.
Entry ALPR image
The license plate image that was captured when the vehicle entered the parking zone.
Entry plate number
The license plate number that was read when the vehicle entered the parking zone.
Exit context image
The context image that was captured when the vehicle exited the parking zone.
Exit ALPR image
The license plate image that was captured when the vehicle exited the parking zone.
Exit plate number
The license plate number that was read when the vehicle exited the parking zone.
Grace period duration
The duration of the vehicle’s grace period. Following the expiration of the vehicle’s convenience time or the paid period, the grace period is the extra time that is given before a vehicle is flagged as a violation.
Grace period timestamp
The time that the vehicle’s grace period began. Following the expiration of the vehicle’s parking time, the extra time that is given before a vehicle is flagged as a violation.
Paid duration
Duration of the vehicle’s paid time in the parking zone.
Paid timestamp
When the vehicle’s paid time began.
Parking rule
The parking rule that is associated with the parking zone in a parking session.
Parking zone
The parking zone associated with a parking session.
Session state
The state of the vehicle's parking session.
State reason
Indicates the reason for the vehicle's session state.
Start timestamp
Time that the vehicle’s parking session began. Typically, this occurs when the vehicle enters the parking zone.
Total duration
Total duration of stay from when the vehicle session was initially opened until it was closed.
Violation duration
Duration of time the vehicle was in violation.
Violation timestamp
Time that the vehicle was flagged as a violation.