Reporting incidents - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

When you see a situation that must be remembered, you can report it as an incident. Events and entities (cameras, doors, and so on) can be attached to an incident report as supporting information.

What you should know

When you report an incident about an event or an alarm, the event is attached to the reported incident, along with the entities referenced by that event or alarm. You might also be required to report an incident when you acknowledge an alarm, if the alarm is configured that way in Config Tool.

Incident reports can be searched for at a later time from the Incidents task.


  1. Do one of the following:
    • To report an incident that is not related to an entity, click the home tab, and then click Tools > Report an incident > .
    • To report an incident about an event or alarm, right-click an item in the event list or report pane, and then click Report an incident.
    • To report an incident about the entity in the selected tile, right-click inside the tile, and then click Report an incident.
  2. In the Report an incident dialog box, type a Title for the incident.
  3. From the Category list, do one of the following:
    • Select a category for the incident.
    • If no categories exist, then click Manage categories > Add an item (), type a name for the category, and then click Add > Save.
  4. In the Description section, describe the incident.
    The description you add is searchable in the Incidents task.
  5. In the References section, click to add other entities as supporting information.
    All the entities related to what you were viewing in the tile are added by default. If you are viewing an alarm, both the alarm and the alarm source (the entity that triggered the alarm and entities attached to the alarm) are added by default.
  6. To add a video sequence to the incident, click More, and do the following:
    1. In the Video sequences section, click Add an item ().
    2. Select a camera and a time range, and click Add.
    3. To protect the video sequence, select the Protect video from deletion option.
  7. Create the incident report one of the following ways:
    • Click Create.
    • To create the incident report and notify other users or cardholders on the system, click Create and email, select the users or cardholders, and click Create and email.

      Ensure that the email address is valid and the server is configured to send emails.

    If you chose to protect the video sequences that you added to the incident, then the Protect archives dialog box opens.
  8. In the Protect archives dialog box, set the Start time and the End time for the video that you want to protect.
  9. Select how long to protect the video file from one of the following options:
    No end date. You must manually remove the protection by selecting the video file in the report pane, and clicking Unprotect ().
    NOTE: If the retention period has passed, unprotected video files are not deleted immediately. If needed, you have 24 hours to restore the video protection. For information about archive storage, see the Security Center Administrator Guide.
    For x days
    The video file is protected for the selected number of days.
    The video file is protected until the selected date.
  10. Click Protect.
    If you cancel the protection settings in the Protect archives dialog box, the incident report is still created.


The incident report is saved in the database for reporting purposes. If you selected a user, the report is sent to them.