When a lost card is found, you can restore the original card and remove the temporary
card assignment.
Before you begin
Make sure you have a card reader nearby.
What you should know
To restore the original card, the cardholder or visitor must return both the original
and the temporary card.
When a cardholder has more than one temporary
card, returning the temp card restores the original card to the cardholder. The return
temporary card functionality can be used only once per cardholder.
In the Cardholder management or Visitor
management task, click Return card ().
From the drop-down list, select a card reader near you.
The card reader can be a USB Reader connected to your computer,
or you can use an Access point (door).
Present both the original and the temporary cards; the order is not important.
If both cards match the same cardholder, click Restore original
card to restore the status of the original card to
Active, and deactivate the temporary card.
The temporary card can now be assigned to someone else.