Reviewing and modifying reported incidents - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can search for, review, modify, and delete reported incidents and incident packages, using the Incidents task.

What you should know

If you previously reported an incident, but must edit its content (for example, modify the description, or add another camera to the report), you can search for that report using the title you wrote while creating it. Or, if you remember what camera you wrote the incident for, you can search by specific camera. If you want to search for all the noteworthy activity that was logged by other users during the last week, or since your last shift, you can search for those incidents by setting a time range.

To modify an incident report, you need the Modify reported incidents privilege. To delete an incident report, you need the Delete reported incidents privilege.


  1. From the homepage, open the Incidents task.
  2. Set up the query filters for your report. Choose one or more of the following filters:
    Restrict the search to incidents containing specific text in their title.
    If incident categories are created, restrict the search to specific categories.
    Creation time
    Incidents created or reported within the specified time range.
    Restrict the search to entries that contain this text string.
    Incident time
    Incidents reported within the specified time range. The incident time corresponds to the event or alarm timestamp the incident refers to. If the incident does not refer to any event or alarm, then the incident time corresponds to the creation time.
    Modification time
    Incidents modified within the specified time range.
    Incidents referencing all the selected entities.
    Custom fields
    Restrict the search to a predefined custom field for the entity. This filter only appears if custom fields are defined for the entity, and if the custom field was made visible to you when it was created or last configured.
  3. Click Generate report.
    The reported incidents and incident packages are listed in the report pane.
  4. To review an incident and show the corresponding video in a tile, double-click or drag the item from the report pane to the canvas.
    If there is no camera attached to the incident, the Edit incident dialog box opens. If you select an incident package, the video sequences are played back within a single tile in the order that they were recorded, and entities that were added as additional resources are displayed in different tiles.
  5. If you are viewing video from an incident package, you can control the playback from the Video sequences widget in the Controls pane, as follows:
    • To switch to another camera in the package, select a camera the drop-down list.
    • To jump to the next or previous cameras in the package, click Next sequence () or Previous sequence ().
    • To jump to a specific moment in time, move your cursor to that spot on the timeline.
  6. Modify or delete the incident as follows:
    1. Select an incident in the report pane.
    2. At the bottom of the report pane, click Edit () or Delete ().
    3. If modifying, in the Edit incident dialog box, edit the incident description.
    4. From the Category list, change the incident category.
    5. In the References section, click or to add or remove referenced entities.
    6. In the Video sequences section, you can do the following:
      • Edit the time ranges of the video sequences included in the incident report.
      • To add another camera to the package, click Add an item (), select a camera and the time range, and click Add.
      • To protect the video sequences, select the Protect video from deletion option.
  7. To save the report, do one of the following:
    • To save the incident report, click Save.
    • To save the incident and notify other users on the system, click Save and email, select the users, and click Save and email.
      NOTE: The user must have an valid email address and the server must be configured to send emails.
    If you chose to protect the video sequences that are included in the report, then the Protect archives dialog box opens.
  8. In the Protect archives dialog box, set the Start time and the End time for the video that you want to protect.
  9. Select how long to protect the video file from one of the following options:
    No end date. You must manually remove the protection by selecting the video file in the report pane, and clicking Unprotect ().
    NOTE: If the retention period has passed, unprotected video files are not deleted immediately. If needed, you have 24 hours to restore the video protection. For information about archive storage, see the Security Center Administrator Guide.
    For x days
    The video file is protected for the selected number of days.
    The video file is protected until the selected date.
  10. Click Protect.
    If you cancel your changes in the Protect archives dialog box, the incident report is still saved.


The updates you made to the incident report are saved in the database. If you selected a user, the incident report is sent to them by email.