Supported map objects - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

Map objects graphically represent entities, cities, highways, and other geographical features on maps. Using map objects, you can interact with your system without leaving the map.

Map objects are represented by dynamic icons or colored shapes that you can point to and click. You can configure the appearance of most map objects.

The following map objects are supported:

Map object Default appearance on maps Usage and specific actions
Access control unit
  • - Access control unit in Online state
  • - Access control unit in Offline state
  • - Access control unit in Warning state
  • Monitor the state of the access control unit.
  • - Inactive alarm
  • - Active alarm
  • Semi-transparent polygon or ellipse that matches the color of the alarm and flashes if the alarm is active.
  • A map object linked to an active alarm is flagged with an alarm notification bubble that has the same color as the alarm.
  • If Display alarms from linked maps is enabled in the Maps section of the Security Desk options, the number of active alarms on a linked map is shown on the Maps task toolbar, floor controls, and links to that map.
  • Shows alarms on maps, lets you investigate, acknowledge, snooze, or forward the alarm, and lets you review the alarm procedure.
  • Useful when no entities attached to the alarm are represented on maps.
  • Point to the bubble to show more details.
  • Click the notification bubble to replace it with a tile bubble.
  • (Inactive) Click to trigger the alarm manually.
  • (Active) Click to display the alarm in a tile bubble.
ALPR camera
  • - Fixed ALPR camera
  • - ALPR camera is in maintenance mode.
  • Reads and hits are shown in notification bubbles.
  • Monitor the reads and hits from ALPR cameras.
  • Click to view live video from the associated context camera.
  • Map thumbnail (always linked to the map that it represents)
  • Colored semi-transparent polygon or ellipse (optionally linked to a map)
  • Point to show people count or people presence, if enabled.
  • Remove selected cardholders from the area.
  • Click to display the area or map in a tile bubble, or to switch to a linked map, if defined.
  • - Camera is not recording.
  • - Camera is recording.
  • - Camera detected motion (with green ripple effect).
  • - Camera is in maintenance mode.
  • Fixed cameras are shown with a blue field of view (FOV).
  • PTZ cameras are shown with a green FOV.
  • Monitor alarms and camera events.
  • Click to view live or playback video in a tile bubble.
  • If the camera supports position feedback, click and drag the FOV to pan and tilt.
  • Use the PTZ widget to zoom in and zoom out.
  • Click the map while holding the Ctrl key to point all available cameras to that location.
Camera sequence
  • - Camera sequence
  • Display multiple cameras at the same time.
  • Point PTZ cameras to a specific location.
  • Double-click the camera sequence to display all the cameras in separate tiles in the Monitoring task. If the map is displayed in a tile, it is not replaced if tiles are full.
NOTE: The Locate me right-click command finds individual cameras in the camera sequence, not the camera sequence itself.
Cluster bubble
  • - Three or more map objects, when placed too closely to be visible at a given zoom level, are represented by a blue cluster bubble. The bubble shows a count of the objects inside it.
    NOTE: The count of clustered objects uses the following group sizes: 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500. Counts in between these sizes, or larger, are indicated by a plus sign (+).
  • - If the cluster includes active alarms, a red badge shows the number of active alarms in that cluster.
  • Click to zoom in on the map to view the individual map objects.
Custom object
  • Custom objects can be added to the map as icons or polygons to add custom behavior to the map.
Examples of custom objects include custom intercom solutions and GPS tracker for mobile units. Contact us for information on Genetecâ„¢ Custom Solutions.
  • - Door open
  • - Door closed and no lock is configured
  • - Door closed and locked
  • - Door closed and unlocked
  • - Door forced open
  • - Door unlocked and in maintenance mode
  • - Door unsecured
  • Events are displayed in event notification bubbles. The color of the bubble matches the color assigned to the event.
  • Monitor alarms, door states, and events.
  • Point to the bubble to show more details.
  • Click the notification bubble to replace it with a tile bubble.
  • Unlock the door, override the unlock schedule, shunt the reader, and shunt inputs by using the Door widget or by right-clicking the door on the map.
Esri object
  • Clickable objects that come with Esri ArcGIS maps. These have a similar function to KML objects.
  • Overlays useful information on maps, such as city boundaries, roads, and hydrographic features.
  • Can represent moving objects, such as patrol vehicles, by refreshing their positions on the map at regular intervals.
Input pin
  • - Input in Normal state
  • - Input in Active state
  • - Input in Trouble (short circuit) or Trouble (open circuit) state
  • - Input in Unavailable state
  • The state colors are configurable, and the icon can be shown or hidden depending on the state.
Intrusion inputs with defined types:
  • - Burglary-type intrusion input
  • - Door-type intrusion input
  • - Fence-type intrusion input
  • - Fire-type intrusion input
  • - Gas-type intrusion input
  • - Motion-type intrusion input
  • - Panic-type intrusion input
  • - Virtual-type intrusion input
  • - Window-type intrusion input
  • Monitor the input state.
  • Monitor intrusion detection areas.

    Inputs used for intrusion detection have other visual indicators:

    • The Bypass state is indicated with an 'X' superimposed on the input icon. With the Modify intrusion detection unit properties privilege, you can bypass an input or clear a bypass by right-clicking the input icon and selecting from the context menu.
    • The Active alarm state is indicated by a red, pulsing halo around the input icon.
    • Left-clicking an intrusion input pin displays a pop-up with the entity name, color-coded status, alarm status, bypass state, parent area, and the alarm sources (virtual inputs only).
    • The state of an input with a defined type is indicated with a dot superimposed on the lower left corner of the input icon.
      NOTE: You can change the icons of the input types on the Input definitions page of the Intrusion Manager role.
Intrusion detection area
  • - Intrusion detection area
  • The different states are:
    • Disarmed (not ready)
    • Disarmed (ready to arm)
    • Arming
    • Perimeter armed
    • Master armed
    • Alarm active
  • The state colors are configurable, and the icon can be shown or hidden depending on the state.
  • Monitor alarms and intrusion detection area state.
  • Arm or disarm the intrusion detection area from the widget, or by right-clicking the map object.
  • Trigger, silence, or acknowledge an intrusion alarm from the intrusion detection area widget, or by right-clicking the map object.
  • Change the Bypass state of one or multiple inputs by right-clicking the map object, and right-clicking the inputs.
KML object
  • Can be anything displayed as a clickable transparent layer over a georeferenced map.
  • Overlays static features on maps, such as city boundaries, roads, and hydrographic features.
  • Can represent dynamic information, such as weather conditions and traffic flow, by refreshing the map layer at regular intervals.
  • - Layout
  • A map object that is linked to a previously saved monitoring task layout.
  • Click to display the monitored cameras as a sequence in a tile bubble.
  • Double-click to display all the cameras in separate tiles in the Monitoring task. If the map is displayed in a tile, it is not replaced if tiles are full.
  • - Macro
  • Execute macros directly from maps.
  • Override the default execution context on maps.
  • Click a macro to run it.
Map link
  • Map thumbnails, text, icons, images, or colored geometrical shapes.
  • Click to switch to the linked map.
  • Enables map navigation without using the Maps toolbar.
  • Useful when the map is displayed in the Monitoring task.
NOTE: If Display alarms from linked maps is enabled in the map options, the number of active alarms on a linked map is shown on the link to that map.
Mobile user
  • - Mobile user with no picture
  • When showing mobile users on maps is enabled, shows mobile users and lets you message them and share entities.
  • Point to the bubble to show the Security Center username.
  • Bubble displays the user's picture, if available.
Output relay
  • - Output relay in Normal state
  • - Output relay in Active state
  • - Output relay in Unknown state
  • Trigger output relays directly from maps.
  • Click to show a list of behaviors you can trigger.
  • For intrusion outputs:
    • With the Trigger output privilege, right-click the output icon to change the output state from a context menu. The state can be changed from:
      • Normal to Active
      • Active to Normal
      • Unknown to either Normal or Active
    • Click to display a pop-up with the entity name, state, and assigned output behaviors.
Parking zone
  • - Parking zone marker
  • Colored semi-transparent polygon (optionally linked to a map)
  • Click the marker to display the parking zone occupancy and number of violations in a pop-up.
  • Click the polygon to jump to the map assigned to the parking zone.
  • - Reader is in Enabled (or Active) state
  • - Reader is in Disabled (or Shunted) state
  • - Reader is in Offline state
  • - Reader is in Warning state
  • The Enabled and Disabled state colors are configurable and their state indicator can be shown or hidden.
  • Monitor reader states.
  • Shunt (disable) or activate readers.
  • Records are data structured according to a given record type and intended to enhance situational awareness or add context to your maps. The display of records on maps is controlled by the Record Fusion Service.
  • - Default representation with the first letter of the record type name
  • - Custom representation with user-selected color and icon
  • Records can also be represented as colored polygons.
  • Click the pin or the polygon to view the record details in an information bubble.
  • Right-click anywhere on the map and then select Add new data on map. A dialog box opens in which you can add a record using a preconfigured record type at the position you clicked. This only works for record types managed by Record Caching Service roles.
Text, images and geometrical shapes
  • Text, icons, images, and colored shapes (polygons and ellipses)
  • These can be added to maps to provide additional information, indicate the location of points of interest, or serve as map links or alarms. For example, one usage might be to indicate the location of wall-mounted scanners on a department store floor plan.
  • - Zone
  • - Virtual zone
  • - I/O zone
  • The different states are: Disarmed, Normal, Active, and Trouble.
  • The state colors are configurable, and the icon can be shown or hidden depending on the state.
  • Monitor alarms and zone state.
  • Arm and disarm the zone from the widget.