System status task columns - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

In the System status task, you can monitor the current status of different types of entities and investigate the health issues that they might have.

The following table lists the columns that are displayed for each entity type in the Monitor list.

Entity Column Description
Access control units Entity Unit name
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
IP address IP address of the unit
Sync Synchronization status
AC fail Yes (✓) or No (blank)
Battery fail Yes (✓) or No (blank)
Firmware Firmware version of the unit
Tampered Indicates whether the unit has been tampered with

Yes (✓) or No (blank)

Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.
Parent The direct parent of the interface module or downstream panels. If the direct parent is the access control unit, only the Parent unit column is filled.
Parent unit The parent access control unit.
Analog monitors Entity Analog monitor name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity. If the analog monitor has multiple parent areas, “*\” is shown as the path
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Connected entity Name of the cameras displayed in the analog monitor
Applications Entity Type of application (Config Tool or Security Desk)
Source Computer it is running on
Username Name of the user who is connected
Version Software version of the client application
Archivers Entity Archiving role name
Servers List of servers assigned to this role
Active cameras Number of cameras detected by the Archiver
Archiving cameras Number of cameras that have archiving enabled (Continuous, On event, or Manual) and that are not suffering from any issue that prevents archiving
Total number of cameras Total number of cameras assigned to this role.
Used space Amount of space used by video archives.
Archiving disk space usage Percentage of space used over the allotted space.
Archiver receiving rate Rate at which the Archiver is receiving data
Archiver writing rate Rate at which the Archiver is writing to disk
Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.
Last update Time of the last status update
Areas Entity Area name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Threat level Indicates if a threat level is activated on the selected area, along with the threat level name. If no threat level is set, the column is blank
Security clearance (Only visible to administrative users) Indicates the minimum security clearance level required from cardholders to access this area, on top of the restrictions imposed by the access rules
People count Working (✓) or Not working (blank)
Antipassback Hard, Soft, or None (no antipassback)
Interlock Working (✓) or Not working (blank)
Priority Interlock input priority: Lockdown or Override
Cameras Entity Camera name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity. If a camera has multiple parent areas, “*\” is shown as the path
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Recording Recording state
Analog signal Lost, Available, or Unknown (IP cameras)
Blocked Indicates if the camera is blocked from some users. Blocked (✓), or not blocked (blank)
Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.
Doors Entity Door name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Door state Open () or closed ()
Lock state Locked () or unlocked ()
Elevators Entity Elevator name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Health issues Entity type Icon representing the entity type
Entity Entity name
Source For a local entity, shows the server it is running on. For a federated entity, shows the Federation™ role name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.
Intrusion detection areas Entity Intrusion detection area name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Alarm state Alarm active, Alarm silenced, Entry delay, or Normal
Arming state Arming, Disarmed (not ready), Disarmed (ready to arm), Master armed, or Perimeter armed
Bypass Active or inactive (represented by an icon)
Trouble Yes (✓) or No (blank)
Intrusion detection units Entity Intrusion detection unit name
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
AC fail Yes (✓) or No (blank)
Battery fail Yes (✓) or No (blank)
Tamper Yes (✓) or No (blank)
Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.
Macros Entity Macro name
Start time Time the macro was started
Instigator Name of the user who started the macro
Mobile applications Entity Mobile device name
Source Mobile device model
Username Name of the user connected through this device
Version Genetec™ Mobile version
Blacklisted Indicates whether the device is blacklisted (✓), or not (blank)
OS OS version installed on the device
Current role Name of the Mobile Server role the device is connected to
Peripherals* Name Peripheral name
Type In (Input), Out (Output), Reader
State Normal, Active, or Shunted (inputs and readers)
Additional info Settings specific to the type of peripheral
Controlling Entity controlled by the peripheral.
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Logical ID Logical ID assigned to the peripheral
Physical name Peripheral name assigned by the system
Roles Entity Role name
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Current server Name of the server hosting this role
Servers List of servers assigned to this role
Version Software version of role
Status Activated () or Deactivated ()
Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.
Routes Route Route name, showing the two networks it joins
Current configuration Unicast TCP, Unicast UDP, or Multicast
Detected capabilities Unicast TCP, Unicast UDP, or Multicast
NOTE: A Redirector is required on each network to be able to detect the capabilities.
Status OK, or warning message stating the reason of the problem
NOTE: A Redirector is required on each network to be able to display the status
Servers Entity Server name
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
Roles Roles assigned to this server
Certificate Current server certificate and its validity period
Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.
Version Version of Security Center installed on the server.
Video modules Server Server hosting the video analytics module
  Entity Type of video analytics module
  Total cameras Number of video streams being processed vs. total number of cameras configured to be analyzed by this module
  CPU usage Current CPU usage on the server
  Memory usage Current memory usage on the server
  Analytics agent receiving rate Current network input bandwidth on the server
  Analytics agent sending rate Current network output bandwidth on the server
  GPU model Nvidia graphics card detected on the server
  GPU driver Nvidia driver version installed on the server
  GPU usage Current GPU usage on the graphics card
  Video engine load Percentage of dedicated video decoding chip in use in the GPU
  Video memory usage Currnet memory usage on the graphics card
  Memory controller load Current memory bandwidth usage on the graphics card (memory transfer between CPU and GPU)
  Last update Last statistics update
Zones Entity Zone name
Entity path List of all parent areas, starting from the system entity
Health Online, Offline, or Warning
State Normal, Active, or Trouble
Armed Indicates if the zone is armed or not
Maintenance Indicates if the entity is in maintenance mode, and states the duration of the maintenance mode. The maintenance mode reason is shown as a tooltip and the font color for the entire row is set to the color associated to the reason.

* You can also monitor the I/O status of individual units from their Peripherals page in Config Tool.