When you are generating a report or searching for entities, you must use filters to specify your search criteria.
When a filter is activated, it is indicated with the On () LED icon.
However, if a filter is invalid, an error or warning message is displayed.
- Warning (
- There is a potential problem with the information in the filter. The report or search might take longer than usual to generate.
- Error (
- There is a problem with the information in the filter. You cannot generate the report or search when there is an error.
Hover your mouse over the icon to see the warning or error message in a tooltip. The following table lists some examples of messages that you can receive, and what you do to fix the issue.
Warning/error message | Try this |
The search covers multiple days | Decrease the time range for your report or search. |
There are no selected entities | Your filter is empty. Select an entity, or turn off the filter. |
There is no selection | Your filter is empty. Select an option, or turn off the filter. |
The dates and times are invalid | The time range is invalid. This could be one of the following: