Viewing and comparing parking facility inventories - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can view an inventory or compare two inventories from a specific parking facility, using the Inventory report task.

What you should know

In the Inventory report, you can view and compare vehicle inventories from different time periods to determine the following:
  • Current and previous inventories of parked cars
  • Vehicles that have been added (entered) or removed (exited)
  • Vehicle location (sector and row)
  • Vehicles that have been manually removed (towed)
  • Vehicle stay duration
  • Vehicles whose data was edited and manually reconciled into the inventory.
To prevent performance issues, plate images are not displayed for reports that include more than a thousand rows.
Best Practice: For best results, compare the more recent inventory with the previous inventory. For example, if the parking facility is swept on a daily basis, you should compare the inventory from today and yesterday.


  1. From the homepage, open the Inventory report task.
  2. From the Parking facility list in the Source section, select the name of the parking facility.
  3. In the Inventory section, select the inventory you want to view or compare.
    Latest non-partial
    The latest inventory.
    A specific inventory.
  4. To compare the inventory with another inventory in the parking facility, select a second inventory from Other inventory drop-down list.
  5. From the Added drop-down list, select the vehicle state you want to compare.
    You can query vehicles that were Unchanged, Added, Removed, or Moved. You can select multiple actions at the same time.
  6. Set up other query filters to refine your search. Choose from one or more of the following filters:
    Advanced search
    By default, ALPR images are not displayed in the Inventory report. To view images, click Get images. To prevent performance issues, plate images are not displayed if a report includes more than a thousand rows.
    Custom fields
    Restrict the search to a predefined custom field for the entity. This filter only appears if custom fields are defined for the entity, and if the custom field was made visible to you when it was created or last configured.
    License plate
    Enter a full or partial license plate number. To enter multiple license plates, see Filtering a report with multiple license plates
    Specify the location in the parking facility you want to view. You can select the entire facility, or specify the sectors and rows within the facility.
  7. To include ALPR images in the report, select the Get images option from the Advanced search section.
  8. Click Generate report.

    The results are listed in the report pane.The following statistics of the changes between the two inventories are shown:

    Vehicles added
    Total number of vehicles added to the parking facility.
    Vehicles removed
    Total number of vehicles removed from the parking facility.
    Vehicles moved
    Total number of vehicles that moved in the parking facility.
    Vehicles manually removed
    Total number of vehicles manually removed from the parking facility.
    Number of manual entries
    Total number of unreconciled reads removed from the offload file.