Viewing exported files in the Video file explorer - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

Using the Video file explorer task, you can search for and play exported G64 and G64x video files and check if they are authentic.

What you should know

You do not have to be logged on to Security Center to use the Video file explorer task. This is helpful if you need to view an important video file but cannot log on.
Tip: Double-clicking an exported file in Windows Explorer automatically opens a new Video file explorer task in Security Desk. You can also drag a file from Windows Explorer directly to a tile in Security Desk.


  1. From the homepage, open the Video file explorer task.
  2. In the Selector, select a folder.
    If the folder contains video files, they are listed in the report pane with the following information:
    File name
    Name of the video file.
    Name of camera the video was taken from.
    Start time of the video sequence contained in the file.
    End time of the video sequence contained in the file.
    Time zone
    Time zone of the camera.
    Length of the video sequence (End time minus Start time).
    File size
    Size of the video file.
    Digital signature
    Indicates whether or not the video file is digitally signed.
    Indicates whether the video file is encrypted. If the file is encrypted, you must decrypt it before you can view it.
    Date modified
    Date the video file was last modified.
  3. Double-click or drag a video file from the report pane to the canvas.
    The selected sequence starts playing immediately, and the file name and playback timestamp are displayed. The time in the timeline always represents the local time of the recorded video.
    NOTE: You cannot switch to live video when you are viewing an exported file, because Security Desk does not know which camera the file is associated with.