Exporting and printing maps - Security Center 5.12

Security Center User Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can export or print your Security Center maps to PNG and PDF, or print physical copies to share important information outside of Security Center.

What you should know

When exporting or printing maps, the output does not include the entire map. The map view that you export or print depends on which map you have open and which area is displayed. Zoom level also affects the output.

To include entities in your exported or printed map view, you can use the map layers to show or hide different entities. Cluster bubbles of map entities appear the same in exported and printed maps.

To export files as a PDF, print using Microsoft® print to PDF.


  1. From the Security Desk homepage, open the Maps task.
  2. Select a Favorite map or search under Browse all to open an existing map.
    The selected map fills the Maps workspace.
  3. Navigate to the area that you want to export or print.
  4. (Optional) Select or deselect any map layers to show or hide various map objects.
  5. Export your map in the preferred format:
    • To export as a PNG:
      1. Click Settings () > Manage > Export current view or press Ctrl+E.
    • To print or generate a PDF:
      1. Click Settings () > Manage > Print current view or press Ctrl+P.
        The Maps task in Security Desk, with the Settings menu open to the Print current view option.

      2. Select your printer or the Microsoft print to PDF printer.
      3. Set any other settings from the print options, and click Print.
    The current map view is exported or printed.