Configuring archive transfer for Digital Barriers units - Security Center

Security Center Video Unit Configuration Guide

Applies to
Security Center
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides
Security Center

Before downloading video from Digital Barriers units using Security Center, you must first configure archive transfer.


  1. Open the Video task in Config Tool, and select the Archiver that is managing the Digital Barriers unit.
  2. Click the Extensions tab, and select the Generic Plus extension.
  3. Set the Transaction timeout to 60 seconds.
  4. If you want the discovery to be performed every n minutes instead of every hour, do the following:
    1. At the bottom of the Extensions tab, click Advanced settings.
    2. In Advanced settings, click .
    3. In the Name column, type PollTransmission.
    4. In the Value column, type 60000.
    5. Click Close > Apply.
  5. Click the Resources tab, and click Advanced settings > Additional settings.
    1. In Additional settings, click .
    2. In the Name column, type MaximumUnitPlaybackTransferIdleBeforeDeleteInMs.
    3. In the Value column enter the time, in milliseconds, to wait for EdgeVis server to respond. For example, for 4 minutes, type 240000.
    4. Click Close > Apply.
  6. Deactivate and reactivate the archiver role.