Codec configuration and additional streams might be unavailable for certain Axis cameras after an upgrade - Security Center

Security Center Video Unit Configuration Guide

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

After upgrading to Security Center 5.7, you might not be able to select a codec in Config Tool for a camera that was added in an earlier version of Security Center. Also, additional video streams might not be available.

To help you troubleshoot this issue, refer to the possible causes and their respective solutions below.
NOTE: This information used to be found in the deprecated knowledge base article KBA-78726.

Possible symptoms:

  • For Axis cameras that were enrolled in Security Center 5.7 and earlier, the Codec Configuration pane under the camera's Hardware tab in Config Tool might not be available.

  • The amount of video streams available under the Video tab in Config Tool might change after upgrading to Security Center 5.7. For example, after an upgrade, you might see 5 streams instead of 6.


  • Moving a camera from an Archiver that is running a version of Security Center earlier than 5.7.
  • Copying the configuration from a camera that was added before version 5.7 to a camera that is enrolled in 5.7, or later.
  • Moving cameras with a codec selection done in Security Center 5.7 to an Archiver with an earlier version.
  • Whenever a camera with a pre-existing codec configuration is moved to a Security Center 5.7 Archiver, or when the codec exists in an Archiver that is upgraded to 5.7 or later, the unit keeps its old codec configuration.
  • By design, Security Center uses a maximum of five streams: Live, Recording, Remote, Low Resolution, and High Resolution. As a result, as of Security Center 5.7, you only see five streams in Config Tool for any given camera.


To use codec selection from Config Tool, you must remove these cameras and add them again, thus requiring manual configuration. You can continue to use these cameras like you did before the upgrade, without any issues.

NOTE: Axis cameras added after upgrading to 5.7 are not affected.