Some units are equipped with temperature control devices (fans and heaters) that can be
manually activated and deactivated in Security Desk. However, the manual actions are always submitted to the temperature control configuration of
the unit that specifies how the devices operate with or without manual intervention.
What you should know
The settings entered here will always have priority over manual actions performed in
Security Desk.
Open the unit's web page.
Click .
Select the TemperatureControl group.
For each temperature control device, enter the following:
- Manual control duration
- Period (in seconds) during which the device will operate after it was manually
activated in Security Desk.
- Control policy limit
- Temperature at which the device will automatically be activated.
- Control policy delta
- Temperature difference from the Control policy limit at
which the device will automatically be deactivated.
- User control support
- Specifies whether the device can be controlled manually or not.