Defining door names from Siemens SiPass readers - SiPass 3.4.0

Siemens SiPass Plugin Guide 3.4.0

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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

By default, the door names shown in Security Center are the names of the readers connected to a physical door. You can change how door names are displayed by configuring an XML file on the proxy server.

Before you begin

Install the Genetec™ Security Center SiPass Plugin Proxy Service on the server that runs SiPass Integrated.

What you should know


  1. On the SiPass Integrated server, open Genetec.Plugins.SiPass.ProxyService.cfg.xml.
    By default, the installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec\SiPass Proxy.
  2. Find the DoorNamingStrategy attribute and enter one of the following values:
    Displays the names of the readers connected to the door. When multiple readers begin with the same prefix, only the common part of the name is used. This is the default.
    Displays the name of the device and the number of the door.
    Displays the names of all readers connected to a door. Multiple reader names are included in full. Choose this when troubleshooting your integration.
  3. Save and close the XML file.
  4. In Windows, open the Services management console, and restart the Genetec™ Security Center SiPass Plugin Proxy Service.
  5. If the SiPass plugin is already installed and synchronized, do a manual synchronization to update the door names to the new formats.
  6. When the sync is finished, expand the SiPass plugin role to see all imported entities, and confirm that the names have changed.


A SiPass Integrated system has three doors connected to a device named DeviceA. The following table shows the configuration of the doors and readers connected to DeviceA.
Door # Reader Names
1 Main Door
2 Back Door In

Back Door Out

3 Front Door

Side Door

Notice that the device and the readers in SiPass have names, but that the doors are numbered and do not have names.

The following table shows how each DoorNamingStrategy renders the door names in Security Center.

DoorNamingStrategy Door names in Security Center
  Door #1 Door #2 Door #3
SharedReaderPrefix Main Door Back Door Front Door, Side Door
DeviceAndDoorNumber Device A Door 1 Device A Door 2 Device A Door 3
AllReaderNames Main Door Back Door In, Back Door Out Front Door, Side Door