Limitations for the Siemens SiPass plugin 3.4.0 - SiPass 3.4.0

Siemens SiPass Plugin Guide 3.4.0

Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The SiPass plugin 3.4.0 integration includes the following known limitations.

Issue Description
2434616 Contextual actions on entities are unsupported for federated systems.
256320 When showing access control units in System status, the AC fail, Battery fail, and Tamper columns does not display if the inputs are active.
255634 In Security Desk, the Reader Active button available in the door widget is not supported when SiPass doors are selected, even though the button is still enabled.
252936 Door states remain as Open until a Security Center event Door closed event occurs because input states are not transmitted from the SiPass system to Security Center.
239487 Using the same credentials across multiple SiPass plugins on a single Directory is not supported. By design, every credential must be unique.
224910 When a bank is created, deleted, or modified in SiPass, corresponding events are not transmitted to Security Center. Because of this, elevators synchronized in Security Center might not represent what is actually configured in SiPass. Workaround: Restart the SiPass proxy server to initiate a full synchronization.