The maximum number of custom fields permitted by the license has been reached - SiPass 3.4.0

Siemens SiPass Plugin Guide 3.4.0

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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

After synchronizing the plugin, you see an error message next to the cardholders in the plugin Synchronization tab that says "The maximum number of custom fields permitted by the license has been reached."


Your Security Center license allows a total number of custom fields to be used for all entities. This number has been exceeded.

This error typically occurs when custom fields are added after the access control plugin for your specific plugin was installed. The license provided with the plugin includes the number of custom fields required to synchronize cardholder entities. However, if you need to add custom fields afterward, you also need to update the Security Center license with the proper number of custom fields allowed by the system.


To solve this licensing issue, do one of the following:

  1. Verify the number of custom fields currently provided by your license, the total number of custom fields that you require, and the total number of field currently in use.
  2. Remove unused and unnecessary custom fields from your system, but make sure keep the default custom fields that were installed with your plugin.
    IMPORTANT: If you remove the default custom fields for your plugin, the plugin will not synchronize properly.
  3. Increase the number of custom fields provided by the license, by contacting GTAC at