Enabling TLS in Sipelia™ - Sipelia™ 2.11

Sipelia™ User Guide 2.11

Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

TLS is disabled in Sipelia™ by default, but you can enable TLS by modifying the Sipelia.config file.

Before you begin

Create a backup copy of the existing C:\ProgramData\Genetec Sipelia\Sipelia.config file and save it under a new filename.

What you should know

TLS communication is not supported with SIP trunking. It only applies to VoIP devices that are connected to the local Sipelia™ Server.


  1. Modify the Sipelia.config file.
    1. Deactivate the Sipelia™ plugin role.
    2. Open the following configuration file in a text editor:
      C:\ProgramData\Genetec Sipelia\Sipelia.config
    3. Under <Features>, find the entry <SipTls Enabled="False"/> and modify the entry to <SipTls Enabled="True"/>.
    4. Save the file and reactivate the Sipelia™ plugin role.
  2. Configure Sipelia™ to accept TLS connections.
    1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task, and click the Sipelia™ plugin.
    2. Click the General tab.
    3. Set the Enable TLS option to ON.