Unable to add a new intercom entity because licenses have been exceeded - Sipelia™ 2.11

Sipelia™ User Guide 2.11

Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

If you are unable to add a new intercom entity because you exceeded the number of installed licenses, and the Security Desk and Config Tool license information shows that the license is still available, you need to synchronize the license count between the Security Center Directory and the Sipelia™ plugin.

What you should know

This issue typically occurs when you frequently add and remove intercoms (or their extension) in your system. For each assigned extension, one license is used.


  1. Make sure that you do not exceed the number of installed standard and advanced licenses.
    NOTE: If the standard and advanced license counts do not match, the system will choose the lower count for both types of licenses. For more information, see How Licensing Works in Sipelia™.
  2. Restart the Sipelia™ plugin.
  3. Restart the Security Center applications (Security Desk and Config Tool).