A ring group is a group of SIP entities that has its own unique SIP phone extension. All entities (or members) within a ring group are part of a call list, and all members get called when the ring group extension is called.
In Security Center, a
ring group can include any combination of the following entities: users, user groups, nested
ring groups, and SIP devices. The members of a ring group can either be called all at
once, or successively at a set interval. The call stops ringing when any one of the members
within a call list answers the call.
NOTE: Security Center user groups in a ring group do not need
unique extensions, but each user entity included in the ring group must provide one. If
users and SIP devices do not have a SIP extension, they are bypassed when the ring group
that they are a part of is called.
User ring groups
A user ring group is a Security Center user group that can only include Security Center users and other Security Center user groups.
A user ring group has the following characteristics:
- It can be assigned its own unique SIP extension.
- To receive a call, users that are part of a user ring group must have their own dedicated SIP extension.
- When the extension is dialed, all members of the user group set with a SIP extension are called.