Automating Sipelia Installation - Sipelia 2.13

Sipelia™ User Guide 2.13

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can perform a silent installation of the Sipelia™ product (Client and Server) by running an installer command with proper arguments.

What you should know

A silent installation is an automated way of installing software without user intervention. The silent installation is run from the command prompt using the setup.exe executable, and Windows Installer commands. You can specify which Sipelia installation parts should be deployed by using the command arguments.

The following table lists the command line arguments.

Argument Description
/silent Informs the installer that the installation should be silent.
/ISFeatureInstall Specifies which parts of Sipelia should be deployed. The following values are possible:
  • Sipelia: obligatory part if Sipelia client or server is required to be deployed.
  • Client: optional, will instruct the installer to deploy the Sipelia client.
  • Server: optional, will instruct the installer to deploy the Sipelia server.
  • Mobile and Mobile_Services: optional, will instruct the installer to deploy the Sipelia Mobile component.
/debuglog"C:\log.txt" Optional: Will create a log file from the silent installation process under the following location: C:\log.txt.


  1. In Windows, right-click the Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
  2. Navigate to the folder where SipeliaInstaller.exe executable is located. By default, it is in the 'Sipelia Packages' folder.
  3. In the Command Prompt, run the following command:
    "SipeliaInstaller.exe" /silent /DebugLog"C:\Temp\Logs\Sipelia.log" /log"C:\Temp\Logs\" /ISFeatureInstall=Sipelia,Client,Server,Mobile,Mobile_Services.txt
    NOTE: This command will install Sipelia Server, Client and Mobile. The installation log will be stored in C:\SipeliaSilentInstallationLog.txt.
  4. SipeliaInstaller.exe" /silent /DebugLog"C:\Temp\Logs\Sipelia.log" /log"C:\Temp\Logs\" /ISFeatureInstall=Sipelia,Client,Server,Mobile,Mobile_Services