You can configure DTMF sequences in Sipelia™
and send or receive the configured DTMF
sequences in the call's
Conversation window.
What you should know
- After you configure DTMF
sequences, they will be
accessible from a Call window. You can then click a button
on the keypad to send a series of DTMF tones such as
From the Config Tool home page,
open the Plugins task.
Select the Sipelia plugin role, and
then click Server.
In the DTMF sequences section, click
Add () to add a new
Enter a name, a tone and a description.
Name: Not mandatory, maximum 250
Tones: Limited size. Can only contain the
following characters : 0-9, #, *.
Description: Not mandatory, maximum 250
When a sequence is selected, you can.
Click Delete to
delete this tone from the list.
Click Edit () to
edit this tone.
Click the green/red light to activate or deactivate this sequence. A
deactivated sequence will not be available for the call.
The sequence is now added to the list.