Creating paging zones - Sipelia 2.13

Sipelia™ User Guide 2.13

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

To call multiple SIP entities at the same time with a public address, you can create a paging zone in Config Tool.

What you should know

  • A paging zone can include any combination of users, intercoms, and paging zones.
  • Entities without extensions cannot be added to a paging zone. An entity is removed from a paging zone if their extension is deleted.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select the Sipelia™ plugin role, and then click Public Address.
  3. Click Add a paging zone.
  4. Enter a descriptive name for your paging zone, and then click Add.
  5. Enter a description for the paging zone.
  6. Assign an extension to your paging zone:
    • Click Auto-assign. Select a range, and click Apply to assign the next available extension in the selected range.

      This is the recommended approach.

    • Enter the Extension manually.
  7. Enter the Automatic start timeout, to define the amount of time, in seconds, until the broadcast begins.
    Devices can connect before the message starts. If all the devices in the paging zone accept the call, the message starts even if the timeout is not complete. If a device accepts after the timeout, it can join the paging group with the message in progress.
  8. Click Add a paging zone member.
  9. In the Select entity dialog box, choose the entities that you want to include in your paging zone.
    You can use the Entity type list to filter by entity type, and then search for the entities by name.
  10. Select an entity and click Select.
  11. To add an audio message, click Add audio message and browse to the file.
    Ensure that the audio files are in the correct format. The supported file formats are WAV and MP3.
  12. Click Apply.
    The Audio files folder displays the path where the audio files are saved. When using failover, the location should point to a shared network folder that is accessible by all expansion servers.
    IMPORTANT: Sipelia does not offer the ability to adjust the timing of messages between multiple speakers. If this adjustment is required, refer to our Supported Device List for products that offer this feature.