Creating ring groups - Sipelia 2.13

Sipelia™ User Guide 2.13

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

To call multiple SIP entities at the same time, you can create a ring group in Config Tool.

Before you begin

Depending on which entities you want to include in your ring group, do one or more of the following:

What you should know

A ring group can include any combination of the following entities: users, user groups, nested ring groups, workstations, and SIP devices.
NOTE: You can configure more than one level for a nested ring group, but all entries under the nested ring group are called as an All at once ring group.


  1. Log on to Security Center with Config Tool.
  2. Select the Sipelia™ plugin role, and then click Ring groups.
  3. Click Add ring group.
  4. Enter a descriptive name for your ring group, and then click Add.
  5. Assign a SIP extension to your ring group in one of the following ways:
    • Click Auto-assign. Choose an existing range, and then click Apply. This is the recommended approach.
    • Enter the SIP extension. Enter the SIP entity's phone extension manually.
  6. In the Call list field, click Add entity.
  7. In the Select entity dialog box, choose the different entities that you want to include in your ring group. You can use the Entity type drop-down list to filter by entity type, and then search for the entities by name.
  8. Select all of your entities, and click Select.
  9. (Optional) To configure the associated entity that you added, click .
  10. In the Call recipients field, select one of the following:
    All at once
    All members of a call list are called at the same time. The call stops ringing when any one of the members within a call list answers the call.
    Successively every
    Members are called in sequence, with a set delay between each call, in the order that they appear in the call list. This sequence of calls is repeated until any one of the members answers the call. If a member declines the call, the next member is called immediately rather than after the set delay. The minimum delay is 10 seconds. Because it might affect how long a call to a ring group goes unanswered, it is not recommended to set a high delay.
  11. (Optional) To change the order in which the members of the ring group are called, use the arrow buttons to move the members up or down.
    This is available only when Successively every is selected.
  12. Click Apply.


The image below shows a ring group with three entities: one user, one user group, and one user ring group. The call sequence for this ring group is set at Successively every 10 seconds. When the ring group extension (5001) is called, Charles' extension (6001) is called first. If Charles does not answer or decline the call within 10 seconds, each of the users in the Operators user group who already have an assigned extension is called. The same sequence continues until one of the members in the call list answers the call.

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