Adding the Southwest Microwave RPM II intrusion detection units - Southwest Microwave RPM II 3.0

Southwest Microwave RPM II Intrusion Detection Extension Guide 3.0

Applies to
Southwest Microwave RPM II 3.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Southwest Microwave RPM II

To add the Southwest Microwave RPM II sensors and auxiliary devices to Security Center, you add the Remote Polling Module II (RPM II) as an intrusion detection unit in Config Tool.

What you should know

When you add the unit to Security Center, you specify the IP address, SDK port number, and password that are set on the RPM II device, as described in Southwest Microwave's Remote Polling Module II Technical Manual.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Click Intrusion detection unit ().
  3. From the Unit type list, select the manufacturer Southwest Microwave RPM II.
  4. Enter the IP address of the RPM II module.
  5. In the Port field, enter the TCP port used by the Southwest Microwave SDK. The port will be in the range 49152- 65535.
    NOTE: In the CST II application, the TCP ports used by the RPM II to communicate with the Southwest Microwave RPM II extension are identified as SDK port 1 and SDK port 2. When you add the RPM II unit to the Intrusion Detection role, specify one of these ports, but not both.
  6. (Optional) In the Password field, enter the SDK Connection Password that is set on the RPM II.
    Tip: You can add multiple RPM II units at the same time. To do so, next to the IP address box, click (Enter multiple addresses), and then enter a range of IP addresses. In the Port field, enter a single port. When you add units this way, each unit is configured to use the same port number and password. If needed, you can change these values later from the Properties tab.
  7. (Optional) When the RPM II is not yet physically connected to the IP network, you can create the RPM II entity by selecting the Enroll disconnected unit option.
  8. Click Add and close.


The RPM II unit is listed under the Intrusion Manager role in the entity browser. After the unit is connected, Intrusion Manager automatically detects the inputs and outputs that are configured on the Southwest Microwave RPM II sensors and auxiliary devices. These inputs and outputs are shown on the Peripherals page.

NOTE: The connection settings of an RPM II module are listed in the unit's Properties tab.