Synergis™ Cloud Link supports the latest security updates in the field with cumulative security rollups. From the Synergis™ Appliance Portal, you can apply the latest temporary fixes or patches to security vulnerabilities as they are discovered.
Before you begin
- Ensure that the firmware installed on the unit is version 10.9 or later, and the unit has at least 1.5 GB of available storage.
- For Synergis™ Cloud Link units that have image version 3.3.2 or earlier, contact Technical Support.
- For Synergis™ Cloud Link units that have image version 4.0 or earlier, see KBA-79036.
What you should know
- It is recommended to schedule the upgrade outside of core business hours.IMPORTANT: The update can cause 30 - 60 minutes of downtime. During that time, the unit might reboot twice to complete the installation of the cumulative security rollup.
- You can also upgrade the cumulative security rollup on Synergis™ Cloud
Link units in batches directly in Config
Tool, using the Hardware
inventory task.
For more information, see Upgrading access control unit firmware and platform, and interface module firmware.
After you finish
- Generate a Hardware inventory report in Config Tool to check for possible failure reasons or confirm the firmware version displayed for the unit.
- Verify that all doors controlled by the upgraded unit operate properly.