This is a complete list of Mercury reader settings; these settings correspond to specific reader hardware. Most readers in use today work on the Wiegand standard. To use smart cards or to set up Secure OSDP2 readers, refer to the specific readers' tech notes.
Function | Description |
Type of reader | |
Standard Wiegand |
Standard Magstripe |
Standard OSDP |
OSDP 2 |
Standard F2F |
Supervised F2F |
Supervised F2F with inputs |
Custom | Lets the user set any Keypad mode, LED drive mode, or other settings depending on reader hardware. |
Keypad mode (Mercury only supports the 4-bit key burst mode (HID mode-00)) | |
None | No specific mode is active. |
MR20 | MR20 8-bit keypad format with tamper support. |
HID | HID 4-bit keypad format. |
Indala | Eight-bit Motorola/Indala format consisting of a 4-bit code and the same code inverted. |
MR20 no tamper | MR20 8-bit keypad format without tamper support. |
4-bit, 60 second keep alive | 4-bit keypad format with HID I'm Alive support set to a 60-second interval. |
8-bit, 60 second keep alive | 8-bit keypad format with HID I'm Alive support set to a 60-second interval. |
4-bit, 10 second keep alive | 4-bit keypad format with HID I'm Alive support set to a 10-second interval. |
8-bit, 10 second keep alive | 8-bit keypad format with HID I'm Alive support set to a 60-second interval. |
LED drive mode | |
Bi-color | Generic 1-wire, tri-state bi-color driver circuit. |
2-wire | Separate red and green driver with no buzzer. |
Dorado-780 | Two-wire driver with color conversion. |
LCD | Enables the LCD display driver on LCD-equipped readers. |
Bioscrypt | Enables the Bioscrypt interface. |
OSDP | Mirrors Wiegand LED and buzzer behavior on OSDP readers. |
SNET | Enables SNET on Honeywell controllers. |
Custom OSDP | Lets the user set custom OSDP settings. |
Other controls | |
Wiegand pulses | Enables Data 1/Data 0 Wiegand pulses. |
Trim zero bits | Removes leading zeros. |
Format to nibble array | Used for magstripe purposes. |
Allow bi-directional Mag decode | Sends decoded data no matter which direction card is swiped. |
Allow Northern Mag decode | Decodes 32-bit Wiegand data from certain Northern cards. |
Casi 1-wire F2F | In the Casi 1-wire F2F communication type, uses one wire for communication instead of two. |
Supervised | Enables supervision. Only used with F2F flag. |
Inputs come from reader | Sets inputs to come from the reader. Only used with F2F flag. |