Storing cryptographic keys on MIFARE Secure Access Module (SAM) AV2 cards instead of the Synergis™ key store increases security because the keys cannot be retrieved. The SAM cards must be unlocked to interact with Synergis™ Softwire for cryptographic operations.
Before you begin
- Configure a Synergis™ Cloud Link equipped with an optional expansion module. For more information, see the SY-CLOUDLINK-312 Quick Start Guide.
- Configure SAM cards using a SAM production tool like ISLOG SAM Manager, and install up
to three cards. For more
information on SAM Manager, see Configuring MIFARE SAM AV2 cards.NOTE: If you install more than one SAM card, the cards must have the same keys. Having multiple SAM cards installed will allow for faster card reads and access decisions on units with heavy access control activity.