The authenticity of the self-signed certificate that comes with the unit by default is not enforced as usual with the Public Key Infrastructure. To be more secure, you can use a fully trusted certificate signed by a certificate authority instead.
What you should know
- Using certificates signed by a certificate authority is better for setups where multiple computers and browsers access the Synergis™ unit because you do not need to configure each browser to recognize these trusted certificates.
- The Synergis™ Cloud
Link unit comes
with an ECDSA certificate by default. When you try to enroll a new Synergis™ Cloud
Link unit on a system running an operating system
that lacks support for ECDSA, the enrollment fails because no compatible cipher is
If the enrollment fails, upgrade your operating system to one that supports ECDSA or generate a new RSA certificate on the unit and then try enrolling the unit again.
After you finish
For more information, see Resetting the trusted certificate.