Enrolling Mercury controllers on the Synergis unit - Synergis Softwire 11.4.1

Synergis™ Appliance Configuration Guide 11.4.1

Synergis Softwire
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To have the Synergis™ unit communicate with the Mercury controllers connected to it, you must enroll them using Security Center Config Tool.

What you should know

Mercury controllers enrolled on a Synergis unit are not visible from the Synergis™ Appliance Portal Hardware page.

On the Synergis unit, each Mercury controller must be assigned a unique channel ID. All Mercury controllers have RS-485 buses to which the interface panels (MR50, MR52, MR16IN, and MR16OUT) are connected. Each interface panel connected to the same RS-485 or Ethernet bus must have a unique physical address.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Access control task.
  2. Click Roles and units, and then click the Synergis unit.
  3. Click Peripherals, and then click Add an item ().
    Dialog box that opens in Config Tool when you add peripherals to a Synergis unit.
  4. Enter the following information:
    Model of the controller.
    IP address
    Static IP address assigned to the controller by your IT department.
    Communication port (default=3001). The port must match the value configured on the Mercury Device Manager web page.
    Channel ID corresponding to this controller. The channel ID can be any value from 0 to 63, and must be unique within the Synergis unit. After it is assigned, it must not be changed.
  5. If the selected controller model supports downstream panels, add them.
    NOTE: Consider the following:
    • For MR51e PoE panels, add them after enrolling the controller.
    • Do not to exceed the limit of eight downstream panels per EP1501 or LP1501 controller, as recommended by Mercury.
    • The M5-20In panel occupies two consecutive addresses on the communication bus. To have the 20 inputs of the M5-20In panel, you must add two M5-20In panels in Config Tool to your M5-IC controller. The address of the first panel must match the physical address on the M5-20In board, and the address of the second panel must be set to the address of the first panel plus one.
    1. Under the Interfaces list, click Add an item ().
    2. In the dialog box that opens, select the Model, the Port, the Address (0 - 31), and the IP address (MR51e only) of the downstream panel.
      All panels connected to the same port must use a different address.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Repeat as necessary.
  6. (Optional) Click Advanced settings to change the advanced settings.
    The available settings depend on the selected controller model. You can typically change the baud rate of the available serial port, the custom supervised input values, and the power input event configuration.
    Advanced settings dialog box for a Mercury controller in Config Tool.
    NOTE: You can set up to four different custom presets on your Mercury controller's inputs. For users upgrading from earlier Security Center versions who have a custom value configured, that preset is listed as Custom 1 in the AD limit rows list.
  7. Click OK at the bottom of the dialog box.
  8. Click Apply.
    The Mercury controller with all its connected downstream panels and peripheral devices are displayed on the Peripherals page.
    Peripherals page of a Mercury controller in Config Tool.
    Adding interface modules to the Synergis unit causes the unit to perform a software restart. During this process, the Synergis unit and all peripherals attached to it appear offline (in red).
  9. Select each of the discovered I/O devices and readers, and configure their properties as necessary.
    For OSDP (Secure Channel) readers, see Adding OSDP (Secure Channel) readers to a Mercury controller.
  10. Test your wiring and configuration by triggering the inputs and outputs.
    The triggered I/O changes state in real time on screen.
    NOTE: Reader activities are not shown in the Peripherals page.

After you finish

If applicable, add the MR51e panels to the Mercury controller, and then map the physical wiring of the interface modules to the doors and zones in Security Center.