Re-enrolling Allegion Schlage wireless locks on the Synergis unit - Synergis Softwire 11.4.1

Synergis™ Appliance Configuration Guide 11.4.1

Synergis Softwire
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can re-enroll Allegion Schlage wireless locks from the Hardware page of the Synergis™ unit in Config Tool to avoid having to factory reset the ENGAGE Gateway and its locks and use the Allegion ENGAGE mobile app for the re-enrollment process.

What you should know

  • The ENGAGE Gateway must not have been factory reset before re-enrolling it through Config Tool.
  • You can only use the Synergis™ Appliance Portal to enroll the ENGAGE Gateway for the first time, or to enroll it after it has been factory reset.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Access control task, and click the Roles and units view.
  2. From the entity tree, select the Synergis unit on which you want to re-enroll the ENGAGE Gateway.
  3. Click Hardware > Schlage IP.
  4. Click Add (), and then enter the following information:
    The IP address of the ENGAGE Gateway.
    The username of the ENGAGE Gateway.
    The password of the ENGAGE Gateway.
    Site key
    The site key that you created using the Genetec™ Allegion Site Configurator when you first enrolled the ENGAGE Gateway.
    NOTE: You can use the following URL to find the username and password: https://<SCL IP>/SchlageIP/Bus/<Gateway IP>/RevealCredentials, where <SCL IP> is the IP address of the Synergis unit and <Gateway IP> is the IP address of the ENGAGE Gateway.
  5. Click Apply.


The locks are added on the Peripherals page of the Synergis unit in Config Tool. This might take up to a few minutes.