Using self-signed certificates on Synergis units - Synergis Softwire 11.4.1

Synergis™ Appliance Configuration Guide 11.4.1

Synergis Softwire
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

A Synergis™ Cloud Link comes with an X.509 certificate that was generated during production. Replace the default certificate to enhance security by generating a new self-signed certificate.

What you should know

The Synergis unit comes with an ECDSA certificate by default. When you try to enroll a new Synergis unit on a system running an operating system that lacks support for ECDSA, the enrollment fails because no compatible cipher is available.

If the enrollment fails, upgrade your operating system to one that supports ECDSA or generate a new RSA certificate on the unit and then try enrolling the unit again.


  1. Log on to the Synergis unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Certificates.
  3. In the Certificate management section, complete the identification fields.
    The Common name field contains the unit's hostname by default. The Subject alternative name field also contains the hostname by default, but can be edited to a comma-separated DNS list.
    NOTE: The Common name, Subject alternative name, and Country fields are mandatory.
    Certificate management section of the Certificates page in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.
  4. From the Certificate type list, select one of the following algorithms and key lengths:
    • ECDSA 256 bits
    • ECDSA 384 bits
    • RSA 2048 bits
    • RSA 3072 bits
    • RSA 4096 bits
  5. Click Generate new self-signed certificate, and then restart your browser and log back on to the unit.
    The certificate is now generated on the unit.
  6. Install the certificate in the browser's certificate store.
    1. Click Configuration > Certificates.
    2. In the Current certificate section, click Download.
    3. In Windows, follow the instructions in the Certificate Import Wizard to import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder using the Local Machine option.
      Install the certificate on all machines that connect to the updated Synergis unit.
      NOTE: The certificate file will be labeled with the hostname and a .cer suffix.
  7. Restart your browser and log back on to the unit.


Your unit no longer shows a security error in the address bar when connecting using hostname.

After you finish

If the unit was already enrolled in Security Center, the Access Manager will not trust the new certificate or connect to the unit, and you must reset the trusted certificate in Config Tool.

For more information, see Resetting the trusted certificate.