Creating a Security Center data source to associate global keys - Card Synchronization 4.0.0

Synergis™ Card Synchronization Plugin Guide 4.0.0

Card Synchronization
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

If you import data sources that contain cardholders, cardholder groups, or credentials that have an equivalent in Security Center, you get duplicated entities. To avoid getting duplicates, create a Security Center data source that specifies the fields to use as global keys. Entities that share the same data in a global key field are considered to be the same entity, so they are merged during synchronization. A global key can be any field that contains unique data for each entity; for example, an employee's ID or email address.

Before you begin

What you should know

  • It is strongly recommended that you test a merge on a staging system first.
  • If your data source has no activation or expiration dates for cardholders or credentials, Security Center adds activation dates during the merge. To prevent these activation dates from being used when determining whether or not a cardholder or credential is active, you can choose to ignore the dates for either or both of these features.

    The Card Synchronization data source configuration screen with the ignore dates options highlighted.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Plugins task.
  2. In the Plugins task, select the Card Synchronization plugin role from the entity browser, and click the Properties tab.
  3. In the Synchronization section, turn off Automatic synchronization.
  4. In the Data sources section, click Add data source ().
  5. From the Source list, select Security Center, and then click Next.
  6. Give a name to this data source, set whether to ignore cardholder and credential dates, and then click Next.
  7. On the Configuration page, do the following:
    1. Select the Resolve data source relationships using global keys checkbox.
    2. In the Global key fields section, for each entity type, select one or more fields that serve as the global key. The default fields are:
      Cardholder unique ID
      The globally unique identifier (GUID) of a cardholder in Security Center.
      Cardholder email
      The email address of a cardholder.
      Cardholder full name
      The first and last name of a cardholder.
      Cardholder group unique ID
      The globally unique identifier (GUID) of a cardholder group in Security Center.
      Cardholder group email
      The email address for a cardholder group.
      Cardholder group name
      The name of a cardholder group.
      Credential unique ID
      The globally unique identifier (GUID) of the credential in Security Center.
      Credential name
      The name of the credential in Security Center.
      Credential value
      The raw hex value of the credential in Security Center.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Confirm that this Security Center data source and all other imported data sources are using the same fields as global keys.
  10. On the Properties page, under Synchronization, turn on Automatic synchronization.
  11. Click Apply.
  12. If a synchronization does not automatically occur, click Synchronize now.