Adding OSDP (Secure Channel) readers to a Mercury controller - Synergis Cloud Link 2.0.4

Synergis™ Cloud Link Administrator Guide 2.0.4

Synergis Cloud Link
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To add an OSDP (Secure Channel) reader to Mercury LP controller, you must first configure the reader on the controller using Config Tool, and then pair the reader to the controller using the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.

What you should know

  • To add an OSDP (Secure Channel) reader to a Mercury controller, you must pair the reader (exchange of keys) to the controller it is connected to. To pair a reader in secure mode to a different reader port when it is already securely paired to a reader port requires resetting the reader to factory default.
  • Starting in Synergis™ Softwire 11.2, connected OSDP readers do not respond when cards are presented to them, unless they are configured to control a door or elevator in Security Center.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Access control task, and click the Roles and units view.
  2. From the entity tree, select the Synergis unit, and click the Peripherals tab.
  3. If necessary, expand the controller to see the downstream MR panels and peripherals.
  4. Click the reader () you want to configure and click Edit ().
  5. In the Edit Reader dialog box, select OSDP 2 from the Type of reader list.
    Edit Reader dialog box in Config Tool showing OSDPv2 as the Type of reader.
    The Secured option must be turned on.
  6. Configure other OSDP (Secure Channel)-specific settings as necessary, and then click Save.
  7. Log on to the Synergis unit.
  8. Click Configuration > Advanced OSDP.
  9. Find the row with the configured port, reader, and associated door, and click Start pairing.
    This exchanges the keys, and the reader come back online. The reader is now secure. Any reader that rejects the key stays offline.
    Secure OSDP Pairing section of the Advanced OSDP page in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.
  10. Repeat step 9 for the remaining readers.
    This exchanges the keys, and the readers come back online. The readers are now secure; any reader that rejects the key stays offline.


After the pairing process is completed, the reader appears online in Config Tool.