Configuring Mercury Extended grant time REX mode per door - Synergis Cloud Link 2.1.1

Synergis™ Cloud Link Administrator Guide 2.1.1

Synergis Cloud Link
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Before you can enable the Extended grant time REX mode on specific doors, you must create a door custom field in Security Center.

What you should know

  • This feature requires Mercury firmware 1.29.1 or later.
  • When the Extended grant time REX mode is enabled, the door remains unlocked for as long as the REX input is active and for the normal grant time afterward. This is useful for preventing doors controlled by a motion sensor from locking and unlocking every few seconds.
  • Note the following limitations of this feature:
    • If the Mercury controller restarts, the door goes back to its normal state until the REX is triggered again.
    • If no door sensor is present, the door remains unlocked either for as long as the REX input is active or for the normal grant time, whichever period is longer.
    • The door locks at the end of an unlock schedule regardless of the REX state.
  • If you want to control all Mercury-controlled doors under the same Synergis™ Cloud Link at the same time, you can configure the Extended grant time REX mode setting in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal instead.
    NOTE: If you create the custom field in Security Center, the setting on Synergis Cloud Link units enrolled on that system are ignored.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the System task, and click the General settings view.
  2. Click the Custom fields tab, and then click Add an item ().
  3. In the Add custom field dialog box, configure the following values:
    Entity type
    Select Door.
    Data type
    Select Boolean.
    Enter Extended grant time REX mode.
    Default value
    Select this option if you want doors to be in Extended grant time REX mode by default.
    Add custom field dialog box in Config Tool showing configuration for Extended grant time REX mode on a door.
  4. Click Save and close, and then click Apply.