Creating areas monitored by Synergis IX - Australia and New Zealand only

Synergis™ IX Quick Start Guide

Synergis IX
Content type
Guides > Deployment guides
Last updated

To monitor intrusion detection areas with Synergis™ IX controllers, you must first create them as areas in their controller's respective Synergis™ IX Portal.


  1. From the Synergis IX Portal, open the Programming view.
  2. Click Areas > General > System Area.
    Synergis IX Portal, Areas page.
    NOTE: The System Area is created automatically and is used to monitor trouble inputs, which are automatically assigned to the area.
  3. Click Configuration.
  4. Set Entry Time, Alternate Entry Time, Exit Time, and Alarm Time to 0.
    Synergis IX Portal, System Area configuration page.
  5. Add the intrusion detection areas.
    1. Click Add (), enter the Name of the area, and click Save ().
    2. Repeat the above step as necessary.
    NOTE: Area 1 is created by default and can either be re-used or deleted.
  6. Select an intrusion detection area.
  7. Click Configuration.
  8. (Optional) Select the following options as needed:
    Disarm Area When Schedule Starts
    Automatically disarm the area when the configured schedule starts.
    Arm Area When Schedule Ends
    Automatically arm the area when the configured schedule ends.
    NOTE: The schedule needs to be configured later from Config Tool.
    Synergis IX Portal, Area schedule settings.