Configuring the Access Manager to include custom fields in synchronization - Synergis Softwire 11.4

Synergis™ Softwire 11.4 Integration Guide for Keri EntraGuard Systems

Synergis Softwire
Content type
Guides > Integration guides
Last updated

By default, cardholder and credential custom fields are not synchronized during a synchronization between an Access Manager role and a Synergis™ unit. You must modify the AccessManager.gconfig file so that the custom fields can be synchronized.

What you should know

  • The changes must be made on every server that hosts an Access Manager role.
  • This procedure applies to the following versions of Security Center:
    • 5.7 SR6 CU2 and later
    • and later
    • and later


  1. Open the AccessManager.gconfig file in a text editor.
    The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.x\ConfigurationFiles.
  2. Add the ignoreCardholderAndCredentialCustomFields="false" attribute to the offline synchronization section of the file:
    Example: The following image is only to be used as an example of where to add the new attribute. Do not modify the other settings in the gconfig file shown in the example.
  3. Save the file, and then restart the Access Manager role.


Cardholder and credential custom fields will now be synchronized during a synchronization between the Access Manager and the Synergis unit.