Configuring the EntraGuard banner and phone commands - Synergis Softwire 11.4

Synergis™ Softwire 11.4 Integration Guide for Keri EntraGuard Systems

Synergis Softwire
Content type
Guides > Integration guides
Last updated

To configure the welcome banner on the EntraGuard LCD display and program the phone commands used by the tenants to unlock the front door, you must modify the EntraGuardConfig.xml file.

What you should know

A sample EntraGuardConfig.xml file is provided with your product package. You can also download a compressed version of the file from this link.


  1. If you downloaded the compressed version, extract the EntraGuardConfig.xml file.
  2. In an XML editor, modify the sample values in the file to meet your system needs.
    NOTE: If you’re using Notepad, click Save as, change the Save as type to All Files (*.*) and the Encoding to UTF-8.
  3. Save the changes, and then compress the file.
    NOTE: Ensure that the file is saved to your local drive.
  4. Upload the file onto the Synergis™ unit:
    1. Log on to Synergis unit.
    2. Click Maintenance > System status.
    3. In the Upload configuration files section, click Select configuration files.
    4. In the file browser, navigate to the file, and then click Open.
    5. Click Upload.
    The Synergis unit restarts. The upgrade takes a few seconds.