Enabling the Synergis unit to enroll the NXT module - Synergis Softwire 11.4

Synergis™ Softwire 11.4 Integration Guide for Keri EntraGuard Systems

Synergis Softwire
Content type
Guides > Integration guides
Last updated

Before you can enroll the NXT module on the Synergis™ unit, you must enable the EntraGuard enrollment feature on the unit by uploading a feature configuration file onto it.

What you should know

EntraGuard tenants are stored as cardholders in Security Center. Specific tenant information is stored as cardholder custom fields. These custom fields are automatically created in Security Center when an EntraGuard-enabled Synergis unit is enrolled in Security Center.
IMPORTANT: For the custom fields to be created automatically, no cardholders should be defined in Security Center before the first EntraGuard-enabled Synergis unit is enrolled.


  1. Get the Features.zip file by doing one of the following:
    • Download the file from this link.
    • If you don't have internet access, create a Features.xml file in an XML editor, paste the content below, and then compress the file:
      <Features Serial="" ThreatLevels="true" Entraguard="true"
       MaximumCardholders="150000" MaximumOfflineLogsEvents="150000" 
    NOTE: Ensure that the Features.zip file is saved to your local drive.
  2. Upload the Features.zip file onto the Synergis unit:
    1. Log on to Synergis unit.
    2. Click Maintenance > System status.
    3. In the Upload configuration files section, click Select configuration files.
    4. In the file browser, navigate to the Features.zip file, and then click Open.
    5. Click Upload.
    The Synergis unit restarts. The upgrade takes a few seconds.