With Secure Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP), you can move away from Wiegand readers without making a large infrastructure investment, because only the readers need to be replaced.
Manufacturer | Model | Certified firmware |
Allegion |
FW1212 |
Deister |
2.89 |
5.47 (release package R10.0.2.4) |
00312-F, 00316-F | |
STid |
v11 |
Supported Synergis™ appliances
OSDP readers connect directly to the RS-485 ports on a Synergis™ Cloud Link appliance.
The Synergis Cloud Link has a built-in 120 ohm termination resistor for each RS-485 port that can be activated using the DIP switch on each of the four RS-485 ports. The Synergis Cloud Link also has an internal fail-safe resistor network for each RS-485 port. Adding an external fail-safe resistor network would therefore affect the signal integrity and be counterproductive.
Streamvault™ appliances are not equipped with RS-485 ports, and are therefore not compatible with direct OSDP readers.